Virtual data rooms (VDRs) are frequently used by accountants, lawyers, and auditors of a company who need to access confidential information without risking the possibility of hacking attacks or a violation of compliance. A purpose-built VDR is designed to virtual data room pricing permit external parties to review confidential documents online in a secure environment with no risk.

VDRs are widely used for M&A due-diligence. Companies that are acquiring or merging require an encrypted platform to store the relevant documentation and investors who are interested in investing need an easy way to look over it. A dedicated VDR enables the process to go smoothly and ensures important information is only released when it is needed. If a transaction does not close in time, access to the VDR can be revoked immediately.

Many VDR vendors offer a variety of tools for managing users to ensure control over the information that users view. Be sure that the platform that you choose provides robust settings for permissions so you can limit access to certain types or data. This includes granular details like size and file names. Ideally, you should also choose a platform with detailed auditing and activity logs to provide full transparency into who has access to what files.

Finally, if you’re going to make use of your VDR for mission-critical business processes that don’t operate within the 9-5 working hours Look for a vendor with 24/7 support. It’s worth it to have an experienced team available to assist with questions and concerns.